For those of you that just want to see the talks, scroll all the way down and press the big red button ;-) However, if you can spare a minute, take a look at what our former curator, Tim Govaert, has to say:
“When we started TEDxGhent in 2011, I couldn’t image what it would be like a few years later. And I can honestly say that I am so proud of what we have achieved. Not only did we fulfil our mission of bringing great ideas to Ghent, but we have also inspired not only ourselves, but also the people in our lovely community (people who have attended, people who follow us, people who have been with us since the beginning).
So I would like to thank everyone who ever attended an event, all our wonderful speakers, our amazing host Lieven Scheire, the partners that helped make this possible & the crazy volunteers that worked so hard.
I’m very proud to be passing all of this on to Yonca, the new curator. And I am positive that she will do an amazing job and inspire even more people.
But I know you all want to see the talks, so please, enjoy!”
See the talks & pictures here >>